Today we returned from "Spring Break". It was so good to see everyone and know that we missed one another. We began making a book about BIRDS. Can you guess which bird we put first in our books? Yes, the robin! Many of us have spotted them all over the neighborhood. We visited a web site by a lady named Julie Corsi. It's called The Robin's Nest. Ms. Corsi had the exciting honor of having a pair of robins build their nest right below her bedroom window. She could watch each day as the robins built their nest. Even more exciting was the fact that she was able to watch, day-by-day, the growth and development of baby robins, from egg to wings! Take a few minutes to enjoy all the photos and details she provides at "The Robin's Nest". Cornell Lab of Orinthology has a recording of the "song of the robin". It's pretty cool!
For our book we used images of robins to help us get the colors and backgrounds just "right". We followed a step-by-step method for drawing. Look for our images to appear here later in the week. In the meantime, you can learn to draw a robin (or similar birds) by following the directions in the video. You can choose to draw your bird on the computer using a program like Paint, or grab a paper and markers. Either way give it a go and have fun:
WOW What an amazing experience - just checked out the photos of the robins nest - can't wait to share this with the children and families and Manaia Kindergarten and even my friends and family. What at awesome learning experience. Thanks for sharing with us. Great to hear spring is on it's way. Daylight Savings finishes for us this weekend so summer is drawing to a close.
Good Afternoon Ms. Blakely and Students. My name is Amy White, and I am writing you all the way from the state of West Virginia. I don't teach elementary students anymore, but I teach "big" college students who are studying to be teachers. We have enjoyed looking at your class blog and seeing all the amazing things you have been learning this year. I really like this lesson you have been working on with the Paint program and learning about robins. This sounds like a fun activity to do. I hope that you had fun time doing all the work. I'll look forward to showing your artwork to my students so they can see how smart you are. Keep up the good work! Ms Blakely, I'll be in touch! Have a wonderful day. :)
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