Friday, February 27, 2009

A Double Celebration...

We are trying to get caught up here on our blog. Back on Feb. 13th we had a "Double Celebration". Due to several snow days, we ended up celebrating the 100th Day of School, along with Valentine's Day! Talk about a FULL day! If you're wondering what the 100th Day is all about we'll try to explain. Since our very first day of school, back in August of '08, we have been counting the days we have been in school. We can only count the days we are actually in class so having snow days can't be included. We were not so sure about celebrating two special events in the same day, but what else could we do? We couldn't celebrate the 100th Day on the 99th day, nor could we wait until the 101st day of school. It just didn't seem right. We agreed that a double party was both well deserved and the right thing to do! ;-)
Take a look at a quick video of our 100th Day Celebration and then take a peek at our Valentine's Day Party. As always, the mom's made our parties so special. We even got a special treat of cotton candy from the "Cotton Candy Ladies" ;-).
What a fun day!

Here's a peek at our Valentine's Day Party:

Monday, February 9, 2009


After listening to the book "Grandfather Tang's Story"; we got to work with our own set of tangrams. The challenge was to use all 7 pieces to make a square. It was not as easy as it sounded. We really had to think hard. Our brains were tingling! But no one gave up. Everyone gave their best efforts. Mrs. Blakely used the overhead projector and her tangrams to give a few helpful hints. Gracia and Annette were the first to make the square. Once someone could do it two times on their own, they were able to go out and help a friend. The rule for helping was you couldn't touch their pieces, you could only use words. That too was a challenge. Take a look at some of the fun we had today:

Monday, February 2, 2009

Six More Weeks...

Today we heard that the groundhog saw his shadow. That means we'll have SIX MORE weeks of COLD weather! There are a lot of us that are sad about that. Especially Mrs. Blakely because she doesn't like the snow! When we look at our predictions from Friday, most kids guessed wrong. Maybe more kids guessed wrong because they were wishing for Spring! Well, we will just have to bundle up and bear it!

Photo courtesy of AP