Sunday, February 13, 2011

100 Days of School...

Friday was the 100th Day of School for us. We were so excited! Since our very first day, we have been counting every day that we have been in Kindergarten. Along the way, we have learned to count by 1's, 5's & 10's. Reaching 100 days has been a major milestone for us. We each brought in 100 tiny treats. We mixed them all together and made a great snack.
We did 100 exercises, made fun hats, ate and danced. We had a lot of fun!


Dan and Katie said...

I love your hats! It looks like you had a marvelous time :)

Beata Semar said...

How exciting!! Sounds like you had a lot of fun. Happy 100th day!!

Mrs. Semar

Mrs. Pearce said...

Thanks for sharing your 100th day experience!

I would like to recognize you with the "Stylish Blog Award." Thanks for having such an awesome blog and sharing your love of teaching!

Jan Pearce